YelverCare's services

Website publicity photoYelverCare is a voluntary care scheme offering a wide range of practical help to the residents of the parishes of Buckland Monachorum and Burrator.  Founded in 1998, YelverCare received The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service in 2012.  We have a team of volunteers who give their time to help where needed and want to make a difference to the life of others. 

So what do we actually do?  Well, we do anything a good neighbour would do, such as providing transport to the shops, or to the doctor, hospital or dentist, to the hairdresser or other appointments; a befriending service for people who live alone and would appreciate a cup of tea and a friendly chat; a dog walking service; even help with working with a computer or mobile phone.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, we also arranged help for those who were confined to their homes by collecting shopping and prescriptions.  We can on request arrange for a volunteer to be twinned with you to provide regular assistance with these tasks.

Anyone living in the Yelverton area can ring and ask for help.  To arrange for any of these services, telephone  07775 695864 between 10am and 1pm Monday to Friday and we'll do our best to arrange for a volunteer to meet your needs.


Website publicity photo


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